Thug Empath

Everyone is a Create-Yes, Even You!

Image Source: Unsplash

Creativity is everywhere, always. However, not everyone is able to tap into it. Being creative isn’t something that you either have or don’t have. That said, everyone is creative in different ways. Your creative methods may be vastly different from others and vice versa. And that’s OK.

Manifest Your Destiny

From the moment you were born, you found every possible way to explore your environment. You looked into your mother’s eyes, your dad’s, your friends, and other relatives, and then BOOM-one day it hit you! You grew to realize that you were separate, and you could move around on your own, touch things, and learn things. Learning, by its very nature, is one of the truest forms of creativity.

We Are Born Artists

Every child likes to color, draw, and paint with abandon. They also want to build stuff, play in forts, and make up stories when they play. You did this naturally from a young age, but at some point, you grew out of it. You may be creative in a new way now, but you can also bring back that childlike nature of creativity anytime you want to.

We Are Always Learning

Even if you’re not actively trying, you’re always learning. Your eyes see things, and your mind registers them even if you’re not consciously aware of them. At some point, you may recall it when you need it. You’re learning random facts via YouTube, your Facebook stream, and just by walking around and being alive and around others. Because of this, you’re creative. Learning is a form of creativity.

Language is an Art

We like communicating with each other, and we are constantly inventing new ways to do it. Letters through the post, telephones, and cell phones are all communication tools. The ability to use language, whether it’s spoken or not, is a creative endeavor. If you communicate with people, you are creative.

Everyone’s an Expert

Everyone on the planet has something they can claim expertise in. It may be historical trivia or applying makeup while someone else is driving, but everyone has expertise in something. However, since many have expertise in topics that are not traditionally considered “creative,” many people don’t even realize they have such valuable experience that they can use to help others. such as drawing, knitting, or painting, or something people do daily, such as cooking or organizing. If you’re good at something, you’re creative.

You cannot really, with authority, claim something is or is not clever because creativity exists even when it’s not recognized. You can be creative in science, history, and art and do everything differently. Raising a family is creative. Going to work is ingenious. Decorating your home is creative. Creativity is in everyone; you just have to find it and unleash it.

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